Thursday, July 12, 2012

Snow Days are for Wimps

Taiwan doesn't have Snow Days.

Most Taiwanese kids have never even seen snow, thank you very much. Except in pictures, and American movies.

Taiwanese kids know what rain is, though. Definitely, they know what rain is. Because it happens all the time. (We are on an island, after all.) Doesn't really matter what season the calendar says it is, the rain just kinda comes whenever it wants. 
And sometimes, it comes in big huge bursts.
With flooding, and stuff.

Those are typhoons.

I think typhoons are cool.

I probably think typhoons are cool for two reasons. 1) I'm ignorant. I've never lived in place where there are typhoons (except now), so the damage that can occur from them takes second place to just how beautiful the rain is as its fighting to get to the ground. 2) Typhoon Days = No school. 
For anyone. 
Which is awesome.
And we had a Typhoon Day. And it was awesome. Much more awesome than any Snow Day could have been, I'm sure of it. We woke up to rain, we lounged about to rain, we bonded to rain, we went to sleep to rain. 
Just looking through the window at the downpour was cleansing.
I loved it.

 Having a day free of teaching was definitely a perk, too.
But that's only a little bit of the reason why typhoons are just so cool.

Well, okay, maybe a big reason.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED every one of your posts! It makes me want to go there. Maybe I should get a degree in English and go work for your brother. But then I'd have to take all the kids. Scott would have to get a job there.....

    Maybe someday Scott and I will just take a trip there. I want to visit the lock wall and see if I can find your lock...

    Thanks Rayne! You made my night!! :o)
